Sunday, January 9, 2011

Presto! 9.4% Unemployment! How The Government Lies.

Written by Silver Shield from Don't Tread on Me

That is exactly what the elite would have us believe with the 9.4%
unemployment number in this huge CONfidence game otherwise known as the

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” -George Orwell

We were having dinner at my in-law’s house and I had overheard the
TV playing in the back ground.  At one point, I thought I had heard the
squealing of teenagers who were fawning over Justin Beiber.   Instead,
it turned out that it was someone on the news reporting the new,  much
lower 9.4% unemployment rate.  I could hear the panting of excitement
spoken by the breathless reporters who were interviewing very serious
economists about this new 9.4% rate.  The news aired their personal
interest piece about a girl who was just hired at an internet company.
She commented with the utmost confidence that the economy was getting
better!!   You have all heard that saying, “it is a recession when your
neighbor loses a job, but when you lose a job it is a depression.”

Well, according to her, we are out of her depression.

But alas, this is all a dream and the media is using their very
best, tried and true propaganda to keep the people from getting too
upset with reality.  Let me just state that the real rate of
unemployment is much, much more than the 9.4% and if the government
really reported what was really going on, there would be
revolution in the morning.  Allow me to destroy this fictional 9.4%
number and the billion dollar propaganda machine that provides cover
for the trillion dollar banking and government schemes.   I will accomplish this magical feat with writing a blog post in my pajamas.  That is real magic!

“There are three types of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.” -Mark Twain.

The first thing we need to understand is the birth/death model
It is an estimate/lie that the Bureau of Labor Statistics starts with
to figure out how many jobs small companies have created.

Since so many jobs in this country are created by small companies,
they pull numbers out of a hat to start with.  This is a total guess
that constantly gets manipulated to hide the truth.  Literally 250,000
jobs can be created out of thin air.

The rest of the number is determined from a survey.  The BLS’s number
showed an overall increase of +103,000 jobs.(Can you hear my sarcastic
Whoopie!?) The economy needs to create 250,000 a month just to keep up
with the growth of the population.   A household survey showed an
increase of +297,000 jobs and -260,000 fewer people in the labor force. 
This combined into a drop of 9.8% to 9.4%.

The majority of those jobs are all of those “awesome” seasonal jobs
during the Christmas season that will be going away now that we are in
the new year.  This little bump happens every year and is touted as a
great development.  Actually, it is sad that in our consumer economy,
we have to hire part-time workers to handle the hoards of debt slaves
as they spend their way into oblivion.  I wish it was seasonal work at a
factory like hiring a third shift at a plant actually producing
something.   Moving on…

The next big thing we need to understand is the labor force participation rate.
It reflects people between the ages of 18-64 years old, who are
actually working or looking for work.  This does not include students,
moms, retired, and now more importantly people not even looking for
jobs.  The decline in the labor participation rate is becoming a cancer
as people have been unemployed for a long time and entire industries
are gone for good.  The labor participation rate is usually around
67-68%, but has just reached a fresh 25 year low of 64.4%.  This means
on average, the unemployment numbers are lowered by 2.6-3.6% simply
because the eligible pool is dropping.

have now heard of the 99ers.  They are people at the end of their 99
week of unemployment benefits/hush money.  Well let’s get into our
little time machine and travel back 99 weeks ago.  That would have been
smack dab in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis that set off this
huge mess.  So people who still have not found a job since the economy
turned for the worst in 2008 do not count.  We know
that the crisis may have started two years ago but the firings did not
happen right away as people tried to hang on.  We can expect this
decline in the labor participation rate for sometime, hiding some of
the pain out there.

government does keep track of these discouraged workers in another
unemployment number. ( Although they do not have their minions in the
press shout it from the top of their lungs.)  The U-6 number measures
the 9.4% unemployed number from above plus short term
discouraged workers and people working part time because they cannot
find suitable employment.  This underemployment rate the government
admits to is 19%.  Wow, that is a much scarier number but like the
commercials say, “but wait, there’s more!”   If you added in long term discouraged workers that the government dropped from their number in 1994, you would have close to 25% unemployment.

25% unemployment should be torches and pitch fork numbers. We have been so thoroughly enslaved that people are more excited about American ‘Idle’

The unemployment nightmare does not stop there.  What about all of
those good paying jobs that are gone forever like in finance, housing,
manufacturing, etc.?  If you lose a $100k job in one of those industries
and you get the only job you can working at Costco of $25k a year, then
you are employed according to the unemployment number.  What is not
shown, is the quality of the jobs that are out there.  When you see
5,000 people applying for an $8 an hour job at Walmart, something is
seriously wrong.

Another factor you will not hear in the main stream media is how many of the jobs that are out there are government jobs.  Nationally, if you include federal, state and local workers, the Government employs 17% of the work force
This growth in government jobs is hiding probably another 8-10%.  Now I
do not need to go into the fact that economically these workers provide
very little to the overall economy.  Right now there are more people in
the government than in the manufacturing economy.

“Yeah, but government jobs are “good paying jobs.”  The government produces nothing

and its only source of income is the productive efforts of those in the
real world, like you.  The real sick thing is an average government
employee makes again on average, when you include their benefits, TWICE of what the average civilian makes.  This is an unsustainable situation, to say the least.

Here’s another factor that is hidden from you.  What about all of
those companies and industries that received  government contracts or
even worse, got bailed out through the government largesse?  How many of
the private sector jobs were as a result of more government spending?

So let’s break this down.

If we added to the official 9.4% unemployment rate to all of the short and long term
discouraged unemployed, the underemployed, the retired, the moms, the
babies, the government workers, the bailed out industries, the heavily
subsidized farmers, the private government contractors, etc.,  we are
just left with you and me that provide anything of value in
this country.  Since I am in my pajamas and on my second cup of coffee, I
think we can even rule me out.

So get back to work!

The world’s paper ponzi scheme depends on you depends on you. 

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